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. General: these tutorials are to be used for flightsim only and in no case for real flying. Albeit originally based upon the Microsoft Flight Simulator franchise, they reasonably can be used with other amateur flight simulator softwares with the appropriate adjustments. You'll note too that the realism of our flight training is such that people who would then consider to a real life pilot training, should warn their instructor about the use of our tutorials (at least so he be able to get you out of any bad practices). As far as the versions of FS we used -and we are using- are concerned, they were all French versions as some references may not be accurately refered to as far the English-speaking, or any other language versions of the product, are concerned
. Our Site is Not a Professional Site: at the difference of professional flightsim sites, our is not as it doesn't want to be exhaustive in the domain nor about the FS franchise, but relates to our own experience of the FS series instead
. VFR and Other Flights: as we personally did not get another license, or rating than a PPL (French one), all the tutorials concerning the night VFR, IFR, and the airliners' and helicopters' flights are based on that experience, augmented with data and hints gathered on the Internet only. Albeit close to reality, they might not satisfy those people, who, contented with our tutorials about the VFR, would like to find the same level or accurate realism for the other ratings. In such a case, we advice our readers to turn to other sites or source. People who want to have a first approach to those ratings should be able to use our tutorials without troubles
.Regarding Tweaking Inside FSX Files: our tutorials often contains advices which will bring you to tweak into FSX miscellaneous files. Do not venture into without a proper knowledge of the Windows system, and FSX folders. Our tutorials usually come with appropriate precaution warnings. More generally never tweak anything inside without making a backup of whatever you work unto first! That will allow you to be back to the settings you started with
.Health Related Warnings: you'll note that, should you deem that your health wouldn't allow you to fly in the real world, due to the medical examination which are requested from any people considering a flight training, you are requested to read the tutorial 'Medical Considerations about Those Tutorials'
.General Considerations About the Pace of Your Trainings: the users of our tutorials, generally, will take care not to overtrain -hence overstress! A real-life training to get a PPL needs about 40 hours of flight and all the theoretical readings (aerology, the plane, the procedures, etc.). Just make that your training pace match your own abilities. You'll note however that the aeronautical world is a world where the training requires some swiftness, as the instructor expects that the apprentice-pilot catches the lessons and data more quickly than during some other kinds of trainings. Should you want to follow your training close to the real thing, check with the introduction of "GA Planes"
. Localize! as the flight training of the author of those tutorials is a French one, and that our tutorials are deviced at the effect of being sufficiently general, a good idea, for some further realism, will be to adapt those contents to the specific trainings in your country
. US Accuracy or More Intuitive Pilotage? A difference in accuracy, generally, may be spotted from how the US training is performed as derived from documentation. As in the USA, accuracy tends to be stressed with accurate techniques and maneuvers, or descriptions in the manual, in other countries, like in France, pilotage tends to be trained to in a more intuitive way, and manuals less technique. You will thus have to also take that point of view into account function of how flight training is generally considered where you'll train. If more accuracy needed just turn to the FAA site, or the site of the US civilian aviation agency (which is in English only) where you will find utmostly detailed manuals for the airman. With the author a French, the most general tone of our tutorials is better a trend to some intuition, against too much accuracy
Website Manager: G. Guichard, site Lessons In Microsoft Flight Simulator / Leçons de vol pour les Flight Simulator de Microsoft, http://flightlessons.6te.net.htm. Page Editor: G. Guichard. last edited: 8/16/2016. contact us at ggwebsites@outlook.com