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Like we stressed that, the Microsoft FS franchise is not a kind of software which may work at ist best out of the box. Mostly, some useful or even needed features will need that you perform tricks or workarounds to have the feature work correctly. Such modifications will be easily found using a search engine on the Internet. Some of those helps however may proved difficult to put at work. That's why we will give hereunder, as needed and when we will experiment such processes, such tricks or workaround we successfully used for ourselves. Our hints are mostly dedicated to FSX SP2 and Acceleration Pack under Windows 8.1 (and when Windows 10 that is signaled)! CAUTION! AS THE PROCESSES DESCRIBED WILL NEED that you intervene into FSX, or even your computer system's, folders or files, YOU WILL TAKE CARE to make a backup copy of any folder or file which you consider modifying, so to be able to be back to the original settings in case of trouble! When using the tricks or workarounds of that page, YOU WILL TAKE CARE, generally! It is possible that our descriptions may work also with other versions of the FS franchise or of Windows but any attempt will be under your liability and you will obviously increased your caution posture in terms of those!
->Some General Precautions to Take Against a Computer Crash or Failure
As the experience shows, computers can crash, for whatever reasons, or have some troubles working, or the FS may crash too. In the case of the Flight Simulator franchise, that may be annoying, mostly when you own freewares or paywares in number. Thus here are following some useful advices regarding that:
In case of a failure here are some more advices (which are of avail for Windows 10 only)
At last, should you want to use some freeware to improve the maintenance of your Windows operating system, just procede with extreme care. Some freewares proved infecting PCs with viruses, some others may slow a PC when let installed or even crash a PC with no any solution to recover (the Iobit drivers installer is of those as some drivers are better not to be installed), and those freeware may attempt, generally, to install unwanted bars and tools to your browser, for example. Of interest however, despite of the previous remark, are the Iobit freewares (multi-linguage site) as they allow to a real scan and improvements of PCs! Just begin with their 'Advanced SystemCare!'
With Windows 8 and even Windows 7, finding the main, usual settings files to the FS franchise has turned complicated. Such files are however very easy to find, once educated! The trick is to allow the File Explorer to display the 'Hidden Elements'. That is done in 'Display.' Just check the mark! Such folders and files are sensitive ones but they only allow to access to needed FSX files, generally. Such folders and files, from now, will appear shaded. The files concerning FSX are at that path: C:\Users\-- your user name --\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX. It is there that you will find the most useful files in terms of FSX tuning, like fsx.CFG, dll.xml, exe.xml, and more! At last, as far the current scenery.cfg file, which holds, among others, the list of added add on sceneries, you will find it at C:\Program Data\Microsoft\FSX. Those paths are the same with Windows 10. You will note however that once I had a install of FSX directing those paths mostly towards the Cloud. The files related to the saved flights with FSX, and files related to flight plans are to be found at that path in Windows 8.1: C:\Users\-- your user name --\Documents\Fichiers Flight Simulator X, and the same under Windows 10
We are stopping following Windows 10 and its miscellaneous updates in their relation with FSX. Except for the first versions of Windows 10 which brought to the impossibility of using the FSX menus in the full screen mode, it looks like all that has been fixed now. A good choice, generally, is in Properties (right-click), Compatibility tab of the FSX.exe file in the main FSX folder, to uncheck any compatibility settings and, like usual since a while, to turn 'Run that program like administrator' on. It looks like turning the DirectX 10 Preview option on performs also better under Windows 10. Generally, when one is satisfied, even with a update, of one's FSX installation, the better is not to change anything
That .dll file is useful in terms of having FSX to work correctly since Windows 8. Search for it on the Internet under the name 'uiautomationcore.zip.' Uncompress the file and place the .dll at the root level of your FSX install (usually at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X). That often is enough to eliminate some miscellaneous troubles with the working of FSX
(note that that tutorial might be of no use for FSX versions other than the boxed FSX Gold) Of course first -- in case of a voluntary reinstall :) -- you will have backup by copy-paste all the personalized folders and files which come with your FSX. Those are mostly found at your FSX folder, which is usually at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X; other items too may lie inside the SDK folder, usually at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK. Also, mostly, don't forget folders and files which are found through checking Hidden Elements into the File Explorer, at Display. Those folders now will appear faded in the File Explorer (as those are usually sensitive items, take care of not damaging anything). At path usually C:\Users\--your user name-- first look into Documents and Flight Simulator X Files; at last, at path usually C:\Users\--your user name--\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft, check in FSX. The best, often, will be to just backup both folders entirely. Think about, at last, the scenery.cfg, which is usually at C:\Program Data\Microsoft\FSX (that path also need Hidden Elements, check above). Then, you will have, of course uninstalled correctly FSX and the SKD, which is done using Windows 10 'Applications and Functionalities.' At that moment, because a uninstal may let, or let, with folders and files inside or not, the Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK folders on your disk, just, at path usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games, delete that folder Microsoft Games (it holds both those folders). During one reinstal I noticed that those both folders not deleted made the first FSX, before the Acceleration, not to work. A good step now, before any new installation, may be to defragment the used hard drive -- which may takes time but is always useful -- I personally reinstalled on a PC which I had brought back to the factory settings and it may have had a influence (but that was due to my troubles with the Windows 10 Creators Update; sometimes bad luck is a good thing). Before all also, a good idea may be to clean your FSX DVDs as that proved to be useful (some denial of installation are noted on the Internet, and from my experience, to just originate there!) Another thing also to check before getting into complicated things, is to allow time to the installation process at the beginning of it (Microsoft Flight Simulator X - Installshield Wizard window), during its 'Suppression of Installations' phase as the latter can take a moment to perform; just take the time to wait as the process indicator may look halted. On a other hand, Microsoft FSX, generally, may be registered a unlimited number of times. That said, you might be stopped in a reinstallation by the 1607 or 1628 errors. That is mostly due to some mismatches inside your hard drive. Should cleaning your DVDs doesn't provide for a solution, the main reference first to that problem is that dedicated Microsoft help page, which gives miscellaneous hints. They are not the sole tricks available, on a other hand as further ones are to be found on the Internet too. A good synthesis of what can be done may the following, according to what I experienced myself
From there, try to launch the FSX install DVD 1 again and you should feel a difference, or at least, let's hope that! A other solution in case of troubles for reinstall is to reinstall too the 2005 redistribuable package
The FSX installation program, on a other hand, often does not install the FSX SDK. In that case -- take care like above that your DVDs are clean -- first use the DVD 1, and, in the SDK folder, launch the setup.exe. After that first install, then used the Acceleration DVD. In SDK\SP1a, use fsx_sdk_sp1a.exe. Then in the SDK folder, use sdk. That is how that should unfold but some trouble may arise from that it is difficult to have the content of both DVDs displayed. The solution then to accede to the SDK installation softwares is to ignore the Windows 10 panel which will ask you what to do with the DVD (chose 'do nothing'). In the File Explorer instead open the DVD from the Taskbar, and clicking on That PC, click, in the folders' list left, unto the DVD which will have appeared like a icon. That will display, right, the DVD's content whence you will navigate there. Note that the solutions we gave here to get installers on the Internet are not really reliable anymore. A good page about the SDK install, for all FSX versions, is SDK Installation (FSX). At last, one may know that once the whole FSX-Acceleration-SDKs installation completed, some trouble may arise when using the miscellaneous SDK tools like, for example the Traffic Toolbox ones. Those troubles seems to come from the SDKs selves and the best is then to re-install them using the DVD1 and DVD Acceleration like described above; but during the procedure you may tumble upon another hurdle like sdk in the SDK folder of the DVD Acceleration: when asked you will have to uninstall any Acceleration SDK present on your rig but when launching sdk to reinstall, the install process may freeze; thus you will again have to act inventively like something like eject the DVD, let the Install panel opened with the display 'the support, etc. ...,' reopen the DVD, click to re-launch Install -- which usually will get nothing, cancel Install, re-eject the DVD, re-launch again and launch sdk)
The FSX install usually comes with the GMax creation software. Most of the users however do not find it anymore, which is easily fixed: the GMax installer just is installed during the installation of the first SDK iteration! Thus, before continuing with the SDK's SPs installation, just go the newly created SDK folder (usually at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK) and cut/paste the GMAX folder elsewhere like, for example, your Desktop. Thence just install the following SDK's SPs like described above. Thence, as far as GMax is concerned, just launch the installer of it which is found in the folder you moved as GMax is installed (it is the version). The question now is that when GMax launches for the first time, it will ask for a registration key but the refered site about is no more managing GMax. The workaround is to download a bypass which consists into two intallers of GMax data into the Windows Registry. That zip is found either at
The registration of the FSX firstly installed does not pose troubles, generally as the one of the Acceleration Pack does. Once installed and launching back FSX you may get a 1-80004005 error, which will limit the use of your FSX at 30 minute of time. The solution, which is widely given on the Internet, resides into a faulty entry of the Windows Registry. To fix that, run 'regedit' from Cortana and launch that utility. It will show you the registry content. CAUTION, THAT CONTAINS SENSITIVE DATA! DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING EXCEPT WHAT FOLLOWS! Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\CONTROL\CLASS\{4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. In the left column, double-click the UpperFilters entry (note! there may be there several {4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} entries; just find the one which holds UpperFilters). Thence three possibilities: either you will just read 'partmgr,' and just change that into 'PartMgr' -- with capitals -- and exit the registry by clicking to the upper right as registry automatically saves. Either you will find a '0' value; change it too to 'PartMgr' and idem. Or, at last, you may find other values of which 'partmgr'; some advice to first backup tall those, then erase everything except 'partmgr' (you will turn to 'PartMgr'; exit idem, and once the registration performed, you may paste the backup back). In all cases, once the Registry entry fixed, restart your PC and then launch FSX. The registration panel will pop up!
A last trouble may occur in case of a FSX reinstall into Windows 10, with FSX not appearing in the programs' list left of the Start Menu, in Microsoft Games, nor the FSX icon with other programs' ones in it (usually the FSX SDK is present in the program list). That is fixed like: just open C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Games (note! ProgramData is a hidden item which needs to be made visible with the View tab of the File Explorer; check Hidden items). In there you will find already the Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK folder as the Microsoft Flight Simulator X one is missing. Thus just create a new folder named with that name. Thence go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X, right click the fsx app and create a shortcut for it (which Windows will ask for creating on the desktop). Then move that shortcut into C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X. FSX now appears both in the programs' list into Microsoft Games, and like a icon on the Start Menu
Some users have been disappointed by the fact that the excellent AICarriers carrier generator into FSX -a small utility allowing to position and make move various ships in the simulator, of which carriers whence one can takeoff and onto which one can land- had trouble working in some cases. We are considering the AICarriers2 version as it should also work with the AICarriers. Those troubles recently disappeared with the Windows 10 as you will just have to go to the Java site and install their latest version, and then AICarriers. We however let hereafter the troubleshooting text we had installed first (that workaround does not work with the freeware's installer and you thus have to proceed with a manual install (first uninstall any previous install or attempt to)). Above all, you have to connect to the Java site whence you have to dowload the latest version for your Windows 8.1. As that comes into a 32 and a 64 bits versions, first install the 64 which works with Windows 8.1. Once done, it is better to restart your computer and just install then the 32 bits. That does not seem to act upon the Windows 8.1 as it allows AICarriers to work!You will first unzip the Manual_Install folder in the AICarriers package. Thence, you will transfer the AICarriers folder there into your C:\Program Files (x86) folder. Then, in the File Explorer, at Display, allow the explorer to display the 'Hidden Elements'. Such folders and files are sensitive ones but they only allow to access to needed FSX files, generally. Such folders and files, from now, will appear shaded. Find a FSX folder found at C:\Users\ --your user's name-- \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX and in there the exe.xml file; from the Manual_Install folder, at the sample_EXE file, copy the text found and paste it into the exe.xml file. At
One limitation of the FS franchise is that the ATC system, since available, doesn't offer other choice than the default FS airlines. The list of those is found with the airlines.cfg file which lies at the root of the main FSX folder. To change that, just use that renewed airlines.cfg file. JUST TAKE CARE to rename your original something like airlines.cfgORI and then unzip and move the new airlines.cfg file into your main FS folder. That's it! Your FS franchise ATC will recognize a lot more airlines worldwide! We unluckily do not know until which FS franchise in the past, that file was used
During a airliner flight, it is possible that, on weak PC systems, a less fluid operation of the simulator can be observed when the aircraft, at the end of the flight, is approaching the airport and/or densely populated areas. The cause is not clear as either a penalty may occur in FSX with the display of the environment generally, or with that of the airports only. It is also a matter of perception: some will not necessarily be hampered by the slowdown. To have a more scientific approach, it suffices to display in FSX the rate of refreshment rate (also termed the 'frame rate' or 'fps' -- 'frames per second'), which is the operating fluidity rate of Flight Simulator. To display the value, just type the SHIFT-Z keys twice (or thrice). Fps are displayed on your screen at 'IMAGES/SEC =') in red letters above at the top left, with a set of other data. Thus you will be able to check that your fps may tend to decrease under the conditions described above
How to fix that? Here are some simple tips. They are designed from a flight with the default FSX Boeing 737-800. You will have to check if they are worth with other planes. On a other hand, our tips may also be used with the other versions of the Flight Simulator franchise but you also will have to check by yourself. One must mostly play on the display settings and, from my experience, it looks like only a few of them really have a efficacy in terms of fps. Those settings further do not impact the overall rendering of the terrain and the airport. You will gain about a little more than 2 fps. In the Options, Settings, Display menus,:
Eventually, you may also note that the use, at that stage of a flight, in terms of Nvidia video cards, of the Nvidia Inspector freeware utility, can add around 2 fps more. NVIDIA Inspector for the Nvidia cards is a video card setting optimizer for such or such game used (of which FSX). You will find it in a search engine with the name 'NV-Inspector-[Guru3D .com]' as it is availabe in the RAR compressed format (so, you will need a RAR unzipper; the InstallRARFileOpenKnife freeware can do the job; just check no unwanted software or tools bar is added on your system). NVIDIA Inspector is usually used before launching a flight but it also just works fine inside a flight! In both cases, just open the Tools icon right, chose Microsoft Flight Simulator 10 in the menu, click on Apply changes, and close both windows. It is possible that similar video card performance adjusters also exist for other brands of video cards
A faulty display with the ATC windows (which is called through a keyboard's key) is oftent plaguing the FSX users. Troubleshooters often think about the video card drivers as the troubleshooting might mostly lie elsewhere. It might that the question be linked to the video card settings instead! A other solution is also to use the nvidiaInspector software, which one may found on the Internet (some versions may need a rar. archive extractor). It looks like FSX on the other hand, needs DirectX 10 Preview tuned specifically as, for example, that mode may be using the computer Intel video card only
Should you experiment any crash at landing on a carrier with the FSX default FA-18 breaking its landing gear (I personally had trouble with AICarrier added with USS Nimitz & USS Eisenhower), the best way is to tweak with the F-18's aircraft.cfg file which is to be found at a path usually like Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\FA-18. Open it with a simple text editor. At [contact_points], replace first three lines of code:
point.0=1, -18.00, 0.00, -6.60, 1600, 0, 0.6349, 75.0, 0.2000, 3.5, 0.6100, 3.0, 3.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0 point.1=1, -35.50, -4.90, -7.40, 1600, 1, 0.6349, 0.0, 0.4000, 2.5, 0.5456, 3.9, 3.9, 2, 0.0, 0.0 point.2=1, -35.50, 4.90, -7.40, 1600, 2, 0.6349, 0.0, 0.4000, 2.5, 0.5456, 3.7, 3.7, 3, 0.0, 0.0by
;ori point.0=1, -18.00, 0.00, -6.60, 1600, 0, 0.6349, 75.0, 0.2000, 3.5, 0.6100, 3.0, 3.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0 ;ori point.1=1, -35.50, -4.90, -7.40, 1600, 1, 0.6349, 0.0, 0.4000, 2.5, 0.5456, 3.9, 3.9, 2, 0.0, 0.0 ;ori point.2=1, -35.50, 4.90, -7.40, 1600, 2, 0.6349, 0.0, 0.4000, 2.5, 0.5456, 3.7, 3.7, 3, 0.0, 0.0 point.0=1, -18.00, 0.00, -6.60, 6230, 0, 0.6349, 75.0, 0.2000, 3.5, 0.6100, 3.0, 3.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0 point.1=1, -35.50, -4.90, -7.40, 5230, 1, 0.6349, 0.0, 0.4000, 2.5, 0.5456, 3.9, 3.9, 2, 0.0, 0.0 point.2=1, -35.50, 4.90, -7.40, 5230, 2, 0.6349, 0.0, 0.4000, 2.5, 0.5456, 3.7, 3.7, 3, 0.0, 0.0
(where your original data are safeguarded behind the semicolons in case you would back to your original). Transformations are at the '1600' values which determine the wheel struts' strength. You will note that that solution supersedes the one proposed before
When changing of view in FSX, the simulator is displaying a red-colored text at the top right of the screen with varied informations like the view's name or zoom. Whatever the use you may have of such a display, they may be of a drawback when taking screen pictures. By default, the display is lasting relatively long, which may prove annoying. Imagine you are on a picture session, that you are passing into the exterior view, getting a fine possible picture but you have to wait that that red display vanishes! Boring! There is a way to have the display displayed during less time. That will need you to edit the FSX.cfg file. That file is in a 'Hidden Elements' folder. Such folders and their files are allowed to display by allowing those through Windows File Explorer, then Display where check the 'Hidden Elements' mark. Such folders and files are sensitive ones generally. THUS CAUTION IS NEEDED! Thence, find the FSX folder at a path usually C:\Users\-- your user's name --\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX. First make a backup of FSX.cfg. Open the file with a simple text editor like the one provided by Windows (TAKE CARE not to allow the text editor you will use like the one always opening that files' type), and search at [Display]. The first occurrence only is of interest: ChangeTime=4. Just lower the value like, for example: ChangeTime=0.160000 and just keep the default value in memory somewhere is your FSX personal archive (a folder for example, where you'll keep default files or values, you changed). A other way to procede with is: ChangeTime=0.160000 // 4, where the double-slash keeps the value 4 without using it. However that method is not stable in the FSX.cfg file. Once done, save and launch FSX. You will check how the view's name display has readily accelerated! Like a conclusion and to keep with the screen captures in mind, here is the fsscreen.zip archive which is a cute tool to use as allowing pictures in series. I allow myself to make it availabe here because I think it is no more availabe on the Internet
The default format of the coordinates, which, in various circumstances, are displayed in FSX's top right, is degrees/minutes/seconds. Some work and/or softwares may require that the format be in varied decimal ways (for example, degrees/decimals or degrees/minutes/decimals, etc.). To get that in FSX it's pretty simple! Just find the file FSX.cfg. That requires activating the 'Hidden Elements' in the File Explorer (for doing that, see, for example, above). Once done, the path of FSX.cfg is, usually, at C:\Users\-- your username --\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX. Open FSX.cfg with a simple text editor like the one provided by Windows, with the USUAL PRECAUTIONS (a backup of the file, don't assign the text editor that you use as the default editor for this type of files, etc.). Find the [Main] section. At the top of this section, copy these two lines:
FractionalLatLonDigits = 5//originally No data
LatLonFormat = degrees//idem, specify degrees, Minutes or Seconds
The first line specifies the number of decimal values which will display as the second where decimals will begin (after degrees, minutes, or seconds). Notes after // are mementos. Since the changes made in FSX.cfg are hardly stable, the best is to copy these two lines into a file or folder (which would contain your original FSX files and/or values, for example). Eventually, one way, generally, to facilitate copying coordinate values is to use Environment, Map and, at Latitude and Longitude, to select and copy useful values. To find the coordinates' original format back, just remove both lines you added
FSX AI plane traffic -- 'AI' for 'artifical intelligence' -- are those airplanes which are seen in FSX both in the air and at terrains. Those are just planes which features a folder into the -- usually -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes folder. FSX is generating that AI plane traffic through a file named trafficAircraft.bgl which usually lies at path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\Scenery. FSX comes with a default such file as it may be adjusted to your needs in terms of plane AI traffic. That's not that much easy but attainable with some patience and care. What follows is a tutorial about! Note that the FSX SDK itself provides for a overview and instructions of use to personalize your AI traffic, a help which can be of used too (check with the fsxsdk file at path usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK and using the Environment Kit, Traffic Toolbox SDK section). Other than that, you will need to get a terrain editor to be able to gather the data needed in that tutorial, as Airport Design Editor (ADE) is a freeware easily found on the Internet and most reknown with FSX users and creators
The trafficAircraft.bgl is just a file compiled with a tool named TrafficDatabaseBuilder which comes with the FSX SDK, a series of tools provided free by Microsoft and allowing to understand or/and customize FSX. Basically, that tool is just a compiler which will turn a set of data about planes, terrains and schedules into a file which, when read by FSX, will make the latter more alive through having planes flying to and from terrains worldwide. The default trafficAircraft.bgl file has that with the default FSX planes. But it may be replaced by a one you will have tuned to suit your needs! That may be of interest to have more terrains served, more personalized planes represented, or, for people, for example, who mostly fly vintage airliners, to have a worldwide traffic constructed with those vintages. NOTE! To personalize the AI plane traffic needs you intervene upon sensitive files. So take care not to modify anything unwanted! When opening such files, Windows will ask you whether you want the editor chosen like the default for that type of file; answer No (usually by unchecking that mark)!
KDCU,35.058364123,-86.564411223,299.9,G,2,0.70,United States { RUNWAY,4906,100,HARD RUNWAY,2180,160,SOFT PARKING,14.0,RAMP PARKING,10.0,RAMP PARKING,23.0,GATE PARKING,50.0,CARGO etc. }
Albeit somewhat a hard work and necessitating accuracy, you will see all the benefits you can draw from such a new AI plane traffic compilation! Good flights!
Scenery makers may be confronted to that a default FSX ILS does not exist anymore in the real world and that they want their scenery to match that new reality. Two cases possible! One, you work with FSX default airport, second, you have already changed that airport somehow with a scenery editor. Before starting, think to download a freeware bgl decompiler which is needed! A good reference is bgl2xml_150.zip by Jon Masterson
Thence, once in FSX at the airport you modified, in a case or the other, no more any ILS and related elements neither on FSX' Map nor at plane's instruments! Fine!
Website Manager: G. Guichard, site Lessons In Microsoft Flight Simulator / Leçons de vol pour les Flight Simulator de Microsoft, http://flightlessons.6te.net.htm. Page Editor: G. Guichard. last edited: 1/19/2019. contact us at ggwebsites@outlook.com